Człowiek nigdy nie ogląda się na to, co zrobione, ale na to patrzy, co ma przed sobą do zrobienia.

Maria Skłodowska-Curie

Wojciech Kroszczyński


Krótka historia niektórych wzorów związków organicznych



     This paper is an attempt to present how the classical detective work has been done in order to determine chemical structures. Thermal degradation was the main method of analysis currently replaced with spectroscopy. Experiments and logic line of thought was supported by great intuition. In the past, discussion on these examples was the way of learning of the organic chemistry. Perhaps the history of chemistry may help to understand mentalities of creators of new branches of science. On the other hand, it gives arguments for a cultivation of „impractical” sciences.

     The paper describes early attempts to present simple organic formulas and some examples of conclusions concerning structures based on derivatization.   Presented are also examples of investigation carried out by the use of degradation reactions. A history of following compounds is shortly reviewed: some simple aromatic hydrocarbons, indigo, glucose, nicotine, quinine, morphine, thiobinupharidine, neothiobinupharidine, involutone, campher, santonin, cariophyllene, steviol, cholesterol, lanatoside C, ergocalciferol, chrysin, brazilin,  haematoxilin, penicilline, mycophenolic acid, griseofulvin.

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